Tuesday, June 7, 2016

5.4 Bring Our Family A Little Bit Closer

I noticed that this is the last chapter in generation Lion...

Time went fast.

And kids are still sleeping on my bench.

As usual.

Lupus is, of course, included.

What is it?

Lion: Nothing. Just sad you're leaving me this early.


Well you could have been more exciting to play.

That's a cute painting though.

Emery is building a sand castle.


But I was just about to say, that it's very unusual to find my gnomes alone. They're ALWAYS together.

Except for Chad, apparently. He's alone.

He's also dead.

Aweh that's sad :c

~ The next day ~

Neither Lupus, Emery, Coral OR Auburn are in school?!



Auburn: I was tired!

Sleep if you're tired!

Auburn: But my dad is so angry I don't dare to go inside.

You neither, I can see.

But I don't think Coral is scared, she's just her usual self.

Why are you so violent?

The other two are at least at school. But they're not IN school.

Roux is the only one of my kids that are in school. 

Are you also scared of going home?

I'd feel better if you were sleeping at home...

You too Auburn?


Why are you suddenly here?

Auburn: Told you dad is scary.

But you come to school to SLEEP?

I don't know what I think of that.

Auburn: It's too late to go in there now.

To school?

Meanwhile Caryn is watching TV.

I got a pop up saying that Emery made it onto the honor roll.

But HOW if he has been skipping school???

And his grades are only B???


But yay! +5

You should EAT if you're hungry. 

Auburn: Daddy's angry.

Auburn: Blööö Coral, did you get those hairy arms from a yeti or something? You sure your not part yeti?

Coral: You can be a yeti you pink-faced freak!

Caryn: But I need to sleep! 

You HAVE your own bed, Caryn! 

Caryn: But I want this bed!

Lion: Hello Zuri.

Zuri: Hi!

Roux you're also in the wrong bedroom.

I bet all this is the treehouse's fault!

Are you having fun?



That face.


Are you back again, werewolf?


While being busy shouting at a werewolf, Roux grew up.

He got the Eccentric trait.

Sorry Emery but that's how it is living in a household with teens.

Why is it dark?

Ah that's why.

Roux: And then Grim said "Ah the last Darkblood! Because I've killed them all!"


Who knew ghosts need sleep too?

Still, wrong bedroom. God damnit.

Caryn is floating through the counter.




What is happening?! 

Why are you all here?

Auburn: Can't you do the dishes for once?

Roux: Please, I'm busy studying for my future science career.

My kids look like a gang.

Auburn: We're just sending Roux in first to see if dad is still angry.

The kid gnome has joined Caryn's TV watching.

Oh, it's finally time for Lupus to grow up.

He didn't get a party.

And that's the story of how Coral got killed by her own brother.

Emery: Roux, be careful!

Whatever here's Lupus.

He got the Neurotic trait, and now he's moving out.

Coral: I'll tell you all the story of how I died!

Lion: Sometimes I feel like I love brushing my teeth more than I love my wife.

Lion: But on the other hand, you're just watching TV all the time. That's BORING!

Bracy the Gnome: You should fix the sink BEFORE you clean the floor! Are you stupid???

Lion: Aaergh water!

Bracy the Gnome: STOP COMPLAINING! Fix the sink!

Lion: I'll try!

Bracy the Gnome: Good! Otherwise I will have to do it myself!

This looks so emo.


His complaining took his life away </3

Thanks Auburn. -5

That is exactly how I'd react.

Wow isn't this even more emo xD

Three gnomes down!

Ah what a cute painting.

Also got a note saying that both Coral & Roux made it onto the honor roll +10

Did he pass out from seeing a ghost again?

Lion: I think so. I sure hope it wasn't me.

Lion still has his LTW so I sent him out to flirt with some sims.

It didn't go well.

Lady: How dare you flirt with me immediately after my husband died?!

Well done everybody.

Caryn has been watching so much TV that BOTH my TVs broke.

Look, Raven is still alive.

Dante: Why are you filling in that hole?

Lion: No big reason.

Dante: Have you killed someone?

Lion: No.

Dante: .... :I

It's Emery's birthday!


He got the Neat trait.

Lion: Nice to meet you Colarie. 

I decided to take my family for a trip, because they are usually pretty boring nowadays.

This is where they're going to be.

Caryn: How nice to spend some family time together!

I also didn't realise before that half my family's moods are on yellow.

Oh god, what have I done..

AND I got a pop-up from Caryn saying:

"This is more people than I can handle at once... I've got to get out of here!"

But you're LIVING with these people EVERY DAY!


*checks traits*

Ah, she's a loner ._.

Family trip and everyone is just doing stuff by themselves. 

And where's Roux?

There you are. Why are you out here?

Roux: To get some peace and quiet.

Caryn: God Lion you bag of beans! This trip sucks!

Well then we'll make it better.

Lion: Family, come out here!

Lion: This isn't my whole family...

Lion: No wait I didn't want you to leave!

Lion: Couldn't you have come out a little earlier!

Coral: Sorry! >:I

Coral got a pop-up:

"Somebody in this group has some unresolved issues... I think I'll get out of here before the fighting starts."


Auburn: You don't belong in our family.

Roux: Oh god no, stop destroying the flowers! What have they done to you?!


What are you still doing here anyway?!

AND she peed herself.


Roux was invited on a date by Ada.


---> Mirror - Immediately!

That's WAY better. 

He got the Hopeless Romantic trait.


Coral got the Coward trait.

And this will be Auburn's job.

The fortune teller career.

I got +15 for kids on the honor roll

And I got -15 for passing out and pee.

SO I'm still at +5

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